The grand majority of Tanzania’s hunting concessions are abandoned and defunct, as much as Dickman likes to pin the blame on their emptiness on initial abandonment, they were hunted out long before that according to Dr. Pieter Kat. Tanzania has to resources and alternatives to phase out trophy hunting gradually, but there’s no way Dickman or SCI would let that happen unfortunately….

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Kat certainly isn't alone in that opinion. There's a lot more behind trophy hunting than just researchers and hunting groups too - and that makes it fairly difficult for things to change.

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So what is a viable alternative to hunting? Apart from having a huge chip on your shoulder about hunting why dont you bid on one of the many hunting blocks available in tanzania and turn it around. Put your money where your mouth is .

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I'm willing to bet that simply doing nothing would be a much better alternative than trophy hunting at this point.

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Now don’t say that Jared. Something has to be done.

Like I said, Tanzania has the resources and alternatives. They’re there. TZ just won’t even try to implement them because of Dickman and her sheeple’s influence.

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Jared doing nothing has been done and those areas now have little more than cattle and goats. Ironically in your answer to me to shows you actually have never been to a hunting area or any of these areas that are available (even for photographic ventures). Where Karen and Mike obviously speak from a stronger more experienced place having been on the ground and seeing first hand the real problems we as conservationists are facing. Habitat loss for animals is a real problem, with a population growing at almost 3 percent what are your suggestions to solve habitat loss?

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You're proving my point in the article about focusing on poor people causing habitat loss. Maybe focus on the fact that corporations like Shell Oil and Rio Tinto cause huge amounts of habitat loss and yet they're protected by partnerships with the IUCN? Don't you think stopping major corporations from destroying whole swathes of ecosystems will have a beneficial effect?

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Don’t forget Jared, there are viable alternatives to TH, not just ecotourism, but serveal others.

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